Bookmarks are on their way!
10 months ago
– Fri, May 10, 2024 at 06:53:27 AM
Hi All!
Quick update for you today! We've just gotten word that the bookmarks are done (sooner than expected!) and are on their way! Once they get in, we'll be sure to take pictures to let everyone take a look!
Re: Finalized Bookmark Designs
11 months ago
– Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 08:06:57 AM
Howdy, all!
We're very fortunate to work with a lot of creative and talented people. One of the unsung heroes over here is Shawn T. King who primarily works on our book interiors and cover designs. But he is also largely responsible for most of our Kickstarter graphics and bookmark designs.
This campaign in particular was a special opportunity for Shawn who, as a lifelong fan of R.A. Salvatore's books, was able to work as the art director on the project.
All that to say, when he wrapped up the bookmark designs that we showed off in our last update, he felt like they weren't quite right. So he tinkered with them a bit more, and gave us these new designs (shown below). On the front, he removed the DemonWars title to open things up a bit to let the art by Felix Ortiz shine, while on the back, he traded out the textured background for the book's cover art by Wayne Reynolds.
So, while most of the time, final designs are actually final, sometimes, we take a pause to make sure we're completely happy with things before they go out. This is a good example of that. We just placed the order for these this morning, and expect to get them from the printer in a few weeks.
Bookmark Designs Finalized for Production!
11 months ago
– Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 05:33:49 AM
Hi, everyone!
This will be a quick update for you, but we've gotten the bookmark designs finalized and will be placing the order with the printer shortly! Once we've placed the order we'll let y'all know!
As a quick reminder of what the bookmark designs look like, take a look below!
Remaining Surveys Going Out!
12 months ago
– Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 11:32:46 AM
Howdy, all!
The smoke test over the last few days was successful so we'll be sending the remaining surveys out this afternoon. It may take a little bit for Backerkit to process them, so we appreciate your patience!
Just to reiterate a couple of the tips from our last update, if you don't see your invite email show up by the end of the day today, please take a look at the following:
Spam Folder: Survey emails can occasionally find their way to your spam folder. Once we announce that all surveys have gone out, if you don't see anything come through from Backerkit check your spam folder first.
Apple ID Email Addresses: If the email address tied to your Kickstarter account is a secure Apple ID address, the survey email may be blocked entirely. The email addresses look something like this: "[email protected]". Again, once all surveys go out, if you're not seeing the email from Backerkit, check to see if your email looks like one of these. You can try contacting Kickstarter support to change that, though we've seen backers have mixed results.
If either of the above situations are the case, or you can't find your email invite at all, either message us here or send an email to [email protected] to let us know and we'll get that straightened out for you.
Going Forward
Here is what you can expect in the coming months as we work on fulfilling this project.
First, please remember that we operate on a 12-14 month production and fulfillment schedule.
As we get all of the products made, you can expect to see an update from us at least twice a month. So stay tuned here for all the latest!
Once we have the products and are ready to start fulfillment, we will post an update and send an email giving everyone 48 hours to update their addresses if needed. Once that window closes, you will not be able to update your address yourself and will need to contact us directly to make those changes.
- With addresses locked, we will start packing and shipping. This final step will take some time. We appreciate your patience. ❤️