
The Demon Awakens - Illustrated Deluxe Edition

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore's 'DemonWars' series gets a epic hardcover treatment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Printing Update
3 days ago – Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 06:31:54 AM

Hey there everyone! 

As with our last update regarding this matter, apologies for the copy-and-paste nature of this one, also. Since this was a widespread issue that affected nearly all of our campaigns, we thought it best to just keep it uniform for consistency.

Update on our printer…

Following up on our previous update about our printing partner, CPi, we’ve gotten word from our that their systems are back online! Of course, as with any significant outage, that is only the first step. We expect it will take a little bit of time for them to get rolling again for all their clients, so while we still anticipate some delays on a few of our projects, they are not likely to be as significant as previously expected.

In fact, we have already been in communication with CPi regarding the next steps on a number of our upcoming projects. Even in the midst of this outage, they were able to get physical proofs for two of our upcoming campaigns shipped out to us for review (pictured below). So we're thankfully well on our way to being back on track.

What’s next…

While the outage was ongoing, we've continued working with our other production partners to produce other campaign rewards such as bookmarks, art prints, pins, etc. to ensure that we're as ready as we can be once the books are printed. We have also updated our project pipeline tracker to reflect any projects with anticipated delays and will update folks for those respective campaigns as we move forward with production. 

Finally, if you require assistance with your pledge, need to change your shipping info, or have another question, please send an email to [email protected]. We’re open Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm EST, and will be happy to help however we can (it usually takes 3 to 5 business days to get back to you, but we do answer all tickets in need of a response). 🙂

Thanks so much for your continued support, patience, and understanding!

Proofs Have Arrived!
9 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 06:21:21 AM

Hey Everyone!

In spite of the issues that our printer has been working on getting sorted out, they were able to get the DemonWars 1 proofs out to us, and they arrived late last week! Take a look!

We think they look fantastic, and couldn't be more thrilled to finally have them in our hands. That said, we are going to be making a few adjustments before sending our approval over. Specifically, with the type of cloth used on the cover. 

We really love the way it looks and feels, but after looking at a bunch of the proof copies, it seems that the material doesn't take the foil stamping as consistently as we'd like. So, while it will never be 100% perfect, we're going to shift to a different kind of cloth that will allow the foil to be more consistent from book to book.

We really love how this turned out, but...
We want to avoid things like this if possible.

Printing Update
17 days ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 11:28:19 AM

Hi Everyone!

First, we apologize for the copy-and-paste nature of this update. After reading, you’ll understand why it didn’t make sense to modify it for every campaign we have going on.


We wanted to touch base with you on a developing situation that will likely be affecting the production of all our projects for the next several months. In the last few weeks, our primary printer (CPi, based out of the UK) made us aware of a cyber attack that created a network outage and subsequently delayed a few of our campaigns that were just about to start the printing process. At the time, we notified backers of those campaigns, but as time has gone on, it has become clear that their entire production schedule has been impacted.

We don’t know the full scale of this outage from a technical perspective, but we do know that all of their clients are affected. Because of that, we can guess that each day this situation persists has the potential to delay their production schedules days or even weeks at a time.

You can read a bit more about the situation here:


If this campaign is due to fulfill in the next 6-8 months, it’s very possible there may be some delay on that, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. If this campaign is due to fulfill 9-14 months from now, we are hoping there won’t be any delay at all. Unfortunately, it will all be difficult to predict, so we wanted to let you know regardless.

We have managed to get physical proofs for a couple of campaigns, but even with our approval, CPi will not be able to start the full print run until their systems are back online and they’ve gotten caught up. As we get news from them, we’ll update you all here when relevant.


There isn’t much Wraithmarked can do short of communicate with you all and be patient as CPi gets their systems back online. In the meantime, if we still have other products left to order for this campaign, such as bookmarks, prints, pins, etc. we’ll continue to get those from our other manufacturing partners as planned. 

Finally, if you require assistance with your pledge, need to change your shipping info, or have another question, please send an email to [email protected]. We’re open Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm EST and will be happy to help however we can (it usually takes 3 to 5 business days to get back to you, but we do answer all tickets in need of a response). 🙂

Thanks so much for your continued support! We’ll continue to keep y’all posted as this situation gets resolved.

Physical Proofs Arriving Shortly!
22 days ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 05:54:32 AM

Hey everyone!

Quick follow up on our last update, but we just got word (and tracking info) that the physical proofs are on their way! If everything with shipping goes smoothly, we should have them sometime next week! Once they arrive we'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures!

Stay tuned!

Update on Physical Proofs
29 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 05:16:43 AM

Hey Everyone!

We got word from our printer late last week that the proofs for this campaign have been delayed a bit. As we understand it, they a network outage in their facility that has impacted all of their customers' projects—ours being just a few of them. So while we're still expecting to get the proofs soon, it may be a bit longer than originally anticipated. Once we have word that they've shipped, we'll let y'all know!