
The Demon Awakens - Illustrated Deluxe Edition

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore's 'DemonWars' series gets a epic hardcover treatment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A quick sneak peek...
7 months ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 05:53:00 AM

Hi Everyone!

We've had an incredibly busy summer over here, which, while excellent and exciting (for reasons we can't disclose yet), also means that our progress on the books themselves has been a little slower than expected. We should have an update on that front shortly, but in the meantime, we wanted to share one of those things that's been keeping us so busy.

The Demon Spirit...

It may come as no surprise if you're a frequent supporter of ours, but we started this campaign with the full intent of doing at least the first 3 books in R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars saga, continuing with the next book The Demon Spirit.

Once again, we're working with the legendary Wayne Reynolds on the cover art, and have a quick picture of that piece in progress. It's still hard for us to believe that we're able to work with Wayne on such an incredible project, and seeing the piece come together with traditional paint and pencil is nothing short of electrifying. But don't take our word for it, take a look below!

In Progress Art by Wayne Reynolds

We completely forgot...
8 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 09:46:17 AM

Hey everyone!

We're a little embarrassed about this but we promised you a look at the bookmarks once they arrived, and we've had them for a little while now! Sorry about that! 😅

In any case, here's a look at the bookmarks and how they turned out!

Quick Check In
8 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 06:57:20 AM

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that you can access your pledge information using the following link and entering the email address on your Kickstarter account. Even though we're still a little ways out on production, it's never a bad idea to hop in to make sure your shipping information is up-to-date!

We'll post a few more reminders about this as we get closer to fulfillment, but along the way, if you have any questions please feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or via email at [email protected]. We're open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (excluding US holidays).

While we work on getting the book's interior done, a quick introduction!
9 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 05:46:54 AM

Hi Everyone!

While the rest of the team is hard at work getting the book's interior wrapped up, we wanted to take a moment to do a quick intro. While interacting with us here on Kickstarter or via our support email, the majority of the time, you'll be chatting with two people!

Hi! I'm Eira (pronounced like Ira)

I am in charge of coordinating the campaigns and fulfillment for nearly everything Wraithmarked does. I came to Wraithmarked close to 2 years ago after spending more than a decade as your friendly neighborhood IT gal. Most days, I can scarcely believe it's real. But here I am, with all you fine people, eagerly waiting to get my hands on this and every book we make. :)

A couple of quick things about me. I'm a sci-fi/horror author, a published tabletop RPG developer, and sometime musician. When I'm not being a total dork, I collect bumps and bruises by skating with a local roller derby team under the name 'Tryst Issues'. 

Hey there! I'm Heather, and I'm Eira's underling at Wraithmarked!

In addition to helping out my benevolent overlor- Eira, I'm also head of the Wildcrown brand! You'll likely talk to me if you send us a support message here on Kickstarter or via email. 

Within Wraithmarked and Wildcrown, I'm a bit of a nerd. Outside of Wraithmarked and Wildcrown... also a nerd. I have my own illustration business which allows me to travel to different conventions and meet some truly fantastic con-goers and fellow artists alike!

I love to get lost in writing and illustrating my own paracosm, my little home away from home. I build Zoids model kits, play too many video games, collect trinkets (I just want to be a Khajiit), and dote on my cats, Soren and Taro.

Cat Tax: Taro basking in the sun like the queen she is.

Okay, back to Wraithmarked...

We bring all this up to let you all know that when you interact with us, you're talking to real people who have been involved with the creative process from start to finish. It's super important that your experience with us is a good one. While we can't promise completely smooth sailing— manufacturing and distribution are tricky businesses— we will do our best to keep y'all informed as the process progresses.

That's all for today! Just wanted to stop by, give y'all a peek behind the curtain, and say hello! Thanks again for supporting what we do here at Wraithmarked!

Cheers, Eira & Heather

Final Printing Quote Requested Submitted!
9 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 06:40:37 AM

Hi Everyone!

This is a quick update for you all today! We've submitted the final quote request with our printer. Once we that quote back from the printer and accept it, we'll be able to move on to the pre-press process, which includes getting the dust cover dimensions, page counts, signature pages printed, and more!

As we move on with this process we'll keep y'all posted!