Quick Check In
5 months ago
– Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 07:14:45 AM
Hey Everyone!
As we've done in the past, we wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that you can access your pledge information using the following link and entering the email address on your Kickstarter account. Even though we're still a little ways out on production, it's never a bad idea to hop in to make sure your shipping information is up-to-date!
We'll post a few more reminders about this as we get closer to fulfillment, but along the way, if you have any questions please feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or via email at [email protected]. We're open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (excluding US holidays).
Interior Design is Complete!
5 months ago
– Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 06:16:38 AM
Hi Everyone!
We wanted to follow up on our last couple of updates to let y'all know that the interior layout of the book has been completed! Now our printer can get to work, with the first order of business being printing and shipping the signature pages to R.A. Salvatore! Once those have all been signed, we'll get them shipped back to the printer so the rest of the process can continue!
Expect more updates here as that process gets rolling!
A look at the Signature Pages!
6 months ago
– Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 05:54:20 AM
Hi Everyone!
Today, we have a quick look at the finalized designs of the signature pages! Once these get printed they'll be shipped to R.A. Salvatore for signing. When that's done, we'll ship them back to the printer so the rest of the printing process can continue!
Stay Tuned!
Quick Update on the Interior
6 months ago
– Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 08:44:03 AM
Hi everyone!
We have a quick update on the book's interior for y'all today! The layouts are nearly complete with only a few finishing touches left to put in. Once we have that and the page count, we'll be able to send that off to our printer to get the official cover templates from them. We'll explain a bit more of why that's important when we get to that step, but for now, feast your eyes on a couple of pics our designer took!
Just staying in touch!
7 months ago
– Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 12:06:13 PM
Hey guys! Wraithmarked likes to send updates twice a month to ensure you guys know we're staying on top of projects, but sometimes in that period there's nothing new or exciting enough to update about! When that happens, we still post just so you guys know we haven't forgotten about the book, we're just waiting for updates from the artist/printer/designer/etc!
So our apologies that we've got nothing for you this time around, but rest assured we're keeping an eye on things and waiting as eagerly as you are!
Oh also, if anyone is interested, we have a new edition ofTHE SWORD OF KAIGEN coming to Kickstarter next week on Tuesday! We know a lot of people were bummed they missed the printing of our first version, so we're telling everyone in case they want to jump on this edition! It will be paired with a cool edition of WHERE LOYATLIES LIE if you're a fan of collecting pretty books!