New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore's 'DemonWars' series gets a epic hardcover treatment!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Physical Proofs Arriving Soon!
about 1 month ago
– Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 07:02:58 AM
Hi All!
Checking in with some exciting news today! We just got word from our printer that the physical proofs of the books should be headed our way in the next couple of weeks! We don't have tracking for that yet, but once they arrive, we'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures for y'all!
Stay tuned!
Signature Pages Shipped Back to the Printer
2 months ago
– Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 06:43:45 AM
Hi All!
Happy new year! Following up on our last update, all of the signature pages have been signed and are on their way back to the printer now! Next up in the process will be getting the physical proofs, and we’ll let y’all know as soon as we know more on that front!
Also, a quick check-in...
Also, we wanted to take a moment to remind everyone how you can access your pledge. Even though we're still a ways off from fulfillment, it's never a bad idea to hop in to make sure your shipping information is up-to-date! Using the following link, enter the email address that's attached to your Kickstarter account and you should be able to pull your pledge right up!
We'll post a few more reminders like this as we get closer to fulfillment, but along the way, if you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]. We're open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (excluding US holidays).
Signature Pages are Getting Signed! Also an exciting new project!
3 months ago
– Thu, Dec 05, 2024 at 05:30:28 AM
Hi Everyone!
A quick update for y’all today! The signature pages have reached R.A. Salvatore and he’s working on signing each of them! He was kind enough to send us a picture of him hard at work, so take a look! Once those are done, we’ll get the pages returned to the printer so they can bind them into the books once the full print run gets rolling!
We'll post again when those get sent back, so stay tuned! More to come!
Also, we have a new campaign for Wraithmarked's first omnibus!
Our first venture in combining multiple books from the same series into a single edition, this book comes to you designed from cover to cover by Shawn T. King and features exterior and interior art by Lena Richards! Take a look!
Update to Wraithmarked Support and Update Policies
4 months ago
– Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 06:31:21 AM
Hi everyone!
If we haven't made our formal introduction update on this campaign yet: Hi, I'm Eira, Head of Crowdfunding and Fulfillment over here at Wraithmarked and I'm here with my colleague Heather. Nice to meet y'all (or possibly hello again).
I'm interrupting our regularly scheduled updates to let you know that we're slightly changing how we handle a few things here at Wraithmarked, first and foremost, how we offer and manage support. Second, our update frequency. So let's jump right into it!
Wraithmarked Support
Over the last couple of years, we've been very fortunate to see our audience grow considerably and we've expanded to account for that. We started taking email support requests, brought new people on board to help, and transitioned from an email inbox to a ticketing system. None of it has been perfect, but we've always tried to provide you all with the best support possible.
So here we are again, making a change to hopefully improve your experience as well as ours. At time of writing, there are three primary ways for you to contact us: Kickstarter comments, Kickstarter messages, and our support email. Over the last few months, wrangling all of these different channels has exposed a few inefficiencies that we'd like to address.
Effective immediately, if you need help with something, please send an email to [email protected]. If you send us a Kickstarter message, we're going to reply with a form response asking you to send your request to our support email.
You're of course welcome to comment as you feel you need to and we will reply to your comment as soon as we're able!
Support Hours
If you've never contacted us for any issues, here are a few important things for you to keep in mind. First, we are open 8am - 4pm EST. Second, we are closed on all Federal US holidays. Finally, when you contact us, we will have your request assigned to either Heather or myself AND we'll always do our absolute best to reply to your request within 3-5 business days.
Update Schedule
Over the past couple of years, we've generally held to a firm stance of posting 2 updates on each campaign a month. While in many cases we have plenty to talk about, sometimes— particularly if books are crossing the ocean— there's not much to share. So, going forward, our campaign update policy will be "no less than 1 update a month". Even though we'll continue in our endeavor to share 2 updates a month with you, there may be months where there is only 1 update.
Thanks so much for your time and your continued support! We'll catch you in the next update!
— Eira & Heather
A Peek Behind the Curtain...
4 months ago
– Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 07:29:53 AM
Hi Everyone!
We have a neat little update for everyone today! One of the final pieces of design work— once the interior is complete— is getting the template files for both the book's dust jacket and case. The measurements of these are unique to each book and are largely based the total page count, which informs the final spine width.
Below are a couple of screenshots of those templates for this book! While we have a general idea of what the case and jacket will look like going into a project, our designer Shawn T. King will fine-tune our initial designs to match the specs below.